Will Israeli Evil Dream for Palestine Come True?Tel Aviv has evil scenarios to Palestine from dividing Palestinian ranks to annexing the West Bank and its success depends on national Palestinian behavior.
Iran Calls for Lasting Ceasefire in GazaIran’s ambassador to the United Nations called for the ceasefire in Gaza to be converted into a permanent and lasting solution
Nikki Haley took part in an anti-Maduro demonstration at the UN building in New York, demanding ouster of the Venezuelan president.
We are going to fight for Venezuela and we are going to continue doing it until Maduro is gone! Haley shouted through the megaphone while addressing a small group of p ...
Nikki Haley, former US envoy to the UN, also several times talked about limited patience with North Korea and possible nuking of the East Asian nation.
However, less than a year after the war of words, Trump talked to Kim in a historic meeting in Singapore. He said at the Saturday night rally in We ...
Nikki Haley who said last week that the US was nearly ending drafting a peace deal for the region, or the deal of the century.
Tell Aviv several times sought to occupy the Gaza Strip but each time returned frustrated as key controllers there, Hamas and Islamic Jihad, responded to the Israeli milita ...
Nikki Haley days before the voting day said she will vote against the anti-Israeli motion. Even this announcement did not manage to crack the world consensus against the Israeli occupation.
A key principle of the UN is the protection of the international borders and prevention of violations. Articl ...
Nikki Haley's final acts in the international body before she leaves her post at the end of the year.
In an official statement, Hamas thanked UN member states that stood by our people's resistance and the justice of their cause and attacked Haley who it said is known for her extremism and h ...
Nikki Haley, the US's outgoing UN envoy. She said the UN has condemned Israel at least 500 times over the years.
Meanwhile, at the onset of 2019, the Israeli regime and the US officially quit the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the culmination of a pro ...
Nikki Haley, the former US envoy to the UN, also commented on the situation, saying: “We must always have the backs of our allies, if we expect them to have our back. The Kurds were instrumental in our successful fight against ISIS in Syria. Leaving them to die is a big mistake.” She fol ...
Nikki Haley said in 2018 that “for too long, the Human Rights Council has been a protector of human rights abusers.” The US formally withdrew its membership from the council that year, citing “chronic bias against Israel.
Source: Media
Nikki Haley and former National Security Advisor John Bolton were the leading hardliners in the Trump administration who drove the anti-Iranian policy. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is the only remaining anti-Iranian diplomat. Reports say that Trump seeks to get rid of him too by persuading him to ...